15 February 2008

RISK - Chapter 3 - Confirmation

As the time passes by, the journey towards the career goal continues. After all the hassles of searching of new jobs and getting works done in the new place, the time of evaluation is here. Many people has their own perception on the word 'PROBATION' which is written in their employment letter. To me, it is just another EXAMINATION in life where it tests our ability to perform. And then we have 'CONFIRMATION'. The definition of the word can vary from....

- changing your job status from "TEMPORARY" to "PERMANENT" staff OR
- it is the day where I passed the first stage of the superior's scrutinisation. OR
- it is the time where I do not have to worry about getting SACKED too fast OR
- it is the time to celebrate because I finally got the JOB....

The list can go on and on but to me 'CONFIRMATION' is just another beginning.
My feeling of going through the PROBATION could be described like a Stock Exchange. There are UPs and DOWNs. The duration of 3-6 months is so critical that it makes our heart to work extra fast. That timeline can be considered very short to really judge an employee. I have been going through the probation as well as evaluating someone during their probation. Being an superior to evaluate a new member of the organisation is not easy after all. Judging from their performance towards work and attitude in the job scope are so critical to ensure this person really fit in the organistion. On the other hand, as a new employee under probation, I felt nervous and trying to perform the best in order to ensure I secure a place in the organisation.

Unfortunately, many people thought this process is just a way how the COMPANY evaluates us. But have you ever thought that PROBATION is also a period where we evaluate the COMPANY and OURSELVES as well? If you do follow my first and second part of "RISK', this is just another risk deciding factor in our profession. Since we already signed the offer letter, we are at risk. And if we do not take the probation period to analyse our own performance and the company, it will be another waste of time. Of course there are PROs and CONs in the company. Questions like

- is this the environment that i wanted to work in for the coming 2-3 years?
- am I able to further contribute to the company that pay me this amount of salary?
- can I keep up the same performance during and after my probation? (many people only perform well during probation but lack behind after that, this is really bad.)

If we could answer those questions with strong supportive reason, then YOU are RIGHT for the job. As I have mentioned earlier, CONFIRMATION is just another beginning. This is the time where we set our career goal and to grow with the company. It is not a personal issue anymore, it is about TEAMWORK. Think big and keeping the performance up to the standard so we could further improve towards our career path.

So think again when you are still in your PROBATION period. Do the necessary evaluation and not just spend time only to worry about whether to get CONFIRMATION. At the end of the day, you need to FEEDBACK your concern instead of your superior telling what he thinks about you.

to be continued.....