10 August 2007

4 Years Plan Series - Part 9 : Composition

Oh dear...am I addicted to blogging or what? I cannot imagine myself sitting here and start writing again for the next series of my blog. Back then during my schooling day, I never like to do composition. You know why? Because no matter how much I have tried. Even with all my brain juice pouring all over the floor, I can manage to get only 65 out of 100. I am referring to English composition though. May be I am really bad in my grammar or I have limited vocabulary. I admit I am weak in English but I know I have try my best and I have no regret. He..he..Sounds familiar leh...(*William's quote).

Guess what, without releasing I have managed to complete 8 parts of the series and Part 9 is on the way. I think blogging is much more easier where you can write what you want and what you like without worrying those grammatical sentences or variation of vocabulary. Anyhow, now and then I keep myself busy learning new words so I will not make my write-up too dull. Besides that, I hope readers out that could learn some new words too. I got a complaint from a reader saying that "minions" is not a good word to use. But based on what is available on this site "http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/minions", indeed it is valid to use. Hope I am not making a mistake. If anyone got an opinion, kindly voice out here. After all, I am also learning.

Do not worry my fellow readers. I am not waking up this early just to do this blog. The reason is I really cannot sleep as I am preparing myself for a journey to north today. Guess I am the anxious type and would always like to make myself prepared for what lies ahead of me. My friend will be coming anytime soon but who cares, I just got an idea and let me just continue writing..hahaha. Frankly speaking, I just slept merely 3 hours only. There are many thoughts in mind that is playing all over my head. I have the same feeling when
> I was 19.5 before I leave Malaysia for the first time to study oversea
> I was 20.5 before my final year exam
> I was 21 before I leave UK to come back to Malaysia
> I was 22 before the first day of my job
Guess I am just thinking too much. That is what many people always like to say about me. To tell you the truth, it is easy to tell people not to think too much. But when it really there, you got no choice but to think. I am just afraid when you do not think, it will get rusty a bit. Anyhow, after all these years, I manage to learn how to worry less and think more. So do not stop me from thinking...ok?

I could say this will be the shortest series I ever write as time is chasing me to prepare for my journey. But do not worry much, last night I have lots of topics that came to my mind. Some are self-created while some are idea from fellow readers. Well, let me give you all a first hand on what have lined up for you for rest of the week :

> The 4 Season ~ something to do with Love
> The Rebellion ~ something to do with my ex-SWAT Teams
> Yet Another Millions ~ something to do with my stock investment
> Addiction ~ something to do with addiction lor

Alright, I cannot promise I can finish all the topics mentioned above, but as I always tell people...I WILL TRY MY BEST. It is 5am now. I need to get myself prepared for the arrival of my VVIP. Sorry to making this series short as I will not be blogging for the rest of the days. Keep supporting my blogs. Till then...Adious...

Quote of the Day :
"People worry because they are not prepared what lies ahead of them"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chasing your blog story really make me short of breath...need standby oxygen tank liao..but i enjoy reading your story anyway, hehe..
Im so excited and proud to share your blog with my "kaki" last nite, i know you still have more brain juice to squeezzz to share your stories, "jia you jia you", kami sokong u, tapi badan kena jaga juga la..