26 August 2007

4 Years Plan Series - Part 14 : Admiration vs Addiction

Ooooooo....I am shivering now. It is a coincidence or what?...Part 14 on the 14th day in the month of July of Chinese Lunar Calender. I am not joking, it is bright day light and as I am writing this, I have a sense of weird feeling. Not to say that I am really scared of it but prevention is just a pre-caution for unwanted visitor tonight. As usual believe makes one devoted to something at the same time it can be an addiction if you do not know where to put the PERIOD(".") 'Everything is in the mind - Joe Rogan'...heard of that phrase before? If anyone of you have watched the show "FEAR FACTOR", you will know who Joe Rogan is. How true is it? I am 99.9% agree with what he said. Mind control is so subjective and not many people ever thought about learning deeper about it.

I LIKE...I HATE...I WANT...I LOVE...I FEAR....all these are parts and parcels of MIND CONTROL. Let's take an example...do you have an IDOL? It does not have to be someone from the entertainment industries...it can be a family member or a friend or even an enemy. If you have an artist kind of IDOL, then you will be so eager to know more about him/her. You willing to spend time to read about them. Besides, you will even to imitate their style once a while because of your admiration. Some people really get too indulge into these and I am amazed with all these people. They could do all sort of stuffs to meet their IDOL. I am not saying it is totally wrong to sacrifice something to get what you want. But what I want to highlight here is MIND CONTROL. If a good MIND CONTROL takes into place, then it is called ADMIRATION. Unfortunately, if MIND CONTROL is weak, then it is called ADDICTION.

ADMIRATION comes to those who take serious consideration on the right thing to do and understand the precise focus why the feeling pops up.

ADDICTION happen when the control is not on oneself but rather on the THIRD party they are looking up to.

So do you got what I mean? Which group do you falls into?As I mentioned before, I am just taking example on the IDOL thingy. It can be anything.

Some people said GAMBLING is bad. Is that really true? I will say not TOTALLY true. GAMBLING with good mind control is reasonable while addiction to it leads to deterioration. Some people said DOING SPORT is good. Is that really true? I will say not TOTALLY true. Those who addicted to sport and not able to study for their coming exam...what say you?

Some people said KARAOK-ING is bad. Is that really true? I will say not TOTALLY true. Those who can sing well and socialise well are top perfomers.

Some people said STUDYING is good. Is that really true? I will say not TOTALLY true. Those who study too much will go insane and unwanted pressure leads to disaster.

Alright, I am not trying to break the rules of GOOD practice but I am just trying to voice out some facts which will bring great thoughts. Do not get yourself confuse in this write-up. If one can practise a good mind control will know what step to take next. Listening to opinions, reading, socialising and eavesdropping are some of the ways you could enlighten yourself. Furthermore, it helps your mind to decide what is right and what is NOT so right. Get your mind calm and you will know what to do when you are in crisis. What is mentioned here is just another theory of how to get away from addiction by controlling your mind. Practising is another story. It is time to evaluate what you have been "HATE,LIKE,WANT,LOVE,FEAR" all this while and are you addicted or you still know your limits?

Some might said that SAY IS EASIER THAN DO. Not everyone can do it. For example, certain people got fobia. You can still fear of travelling aka HODOPHOBIA or fear of water aka HYDROPHOBIA or cockroaches aka COCKFOBIA(kidding, no such word). So I am not saying your mind is weak, it is just something special in you. Besides, no one is perfect. That is what make us human beings, we are always different. The main idea is more into knowing your limitation, whether you can break it or you could control it before you fall into addiction. Just try your best. Too much does not mean it is the BEST.

Last but not least, when you hear something knocking your door today. Just wake up and open to see who is that. If no one is around, focus your mind on something else instead of the 14-7 stories. Find ways to control your mind. Do not let your mind limit you from doing what you want. Do not let your mind go bewildered and not knowing your own limit.

Quote of the Day

"The sky is not the limit, your mind is"


Anonymous said...

I believe everyone has their addiction. It's just that the level of addiction is more or less. As for me, I have an addiction for shopping or another word, shopaholic. I just can't stop myself from buying whenever I'm in a shopping mall. A shopping mall is like a heaven for me. I'm just like a kid in a candy store when I see clothes, esp those brands that I like. No matter how unhappy I am, I'll forget about everything and I'll start eyeing around the clothes store like a predator hunting for its prey. Then, I'll start piling armful on clothes on my hand until the shop assistant told me "oh, you are only allowed max 5 garments per fitting!" Whenever I'm out shopping, I'll never want to go back home. I really shop till I drop, at least 8 hours each time. Like what you said, not all addictions are bad but now I really don't know whether shopaholic is bad cause it really leaves by bank account dry every month. So, the only solution is do not go out at all, at least i don't feel the temptation to buy if I'm at home.

Prof H. said...

Ohayo Amy-san,
I think your addiction is very common to every GALS out there. I am not the GOD to decide whether what you are doing is right or wrong. But trust me, able to do things that you like is a blessing. It is a matter of how you want to do it. My sister allocated a portion of money to fulfill her own addiction of shopping. May be you could do that too. Get your Balance Sheet ready and take up the skill..hehe.. you will see wonders out from there. Do not STOP shopping...else Malaysia economy will be extremely LOW. Mega Sales...yahoooooooooooooo