24 August 2007

4 Years Plan Series - Part 13 : Preparation

Oh well...finally, it comes to an end of my Week 2 in this new company. Things have been moving forward too quick and I am yet to cope with it. In the coming week, I will be attending my Japanese class examination and I am yet to prepare for it. Besides that, next week will be my last week in Malaysia before I depart to Delft, Netherlands for my 3 weeks training. As usual, preparation is still pending. Moreover, I have 2 proposals to finalise with my fellow partners this week to ensure everything is still moving forward when I am not around. Guess what, no preparation yet. Hmmm, by now you should already know what I am going to write for this series of my blog. Yeahhhhhhhhhhh.....it is PREPARATION.

My story goes like this....when I first making a move from my old company to this new company...I've prepared to receive order...I've prepared to get to know new people...I've prepared to walk to work...I've prepared to work along with new colleagues...I've prepared to pay extra for lunch in this 'hot' working area...I've prepared to accept new idea and do new things. Whether the outcome will turn out to be ... only time will tell. As I have mentioned in my previous blog, people tend to fear what they do not know. Just want to concatenate another phrase which turn out to me...THOSE WHO DO NOT PREPARE TEND TO FEAR WHAT THEY DO NOT KNOW. Changes happen in life, accepting it and prepare for the next step to take is what life journey is all about.

There are 2 types of people in this world. Those who PREPARED and those who are NOT PREPARED. So simple. Ever thought which type you are? Throughout my living years, I always TRY to make sure myself prepared before jumping into something that is coming to me. For example, you know that exam is coming, and there are lot of preparations required to face it. But too bad, some human beings are claiming they do not have TIME. Is that a reason or just an excuse? What i feel is more about setting your priority. There are times where we need to know what is right to do and what is best leave for a better time. Of course, there are people who have made mistake setting their priorities as decision making plays an important role in this matter. Time managing is extremely important because once it passes it will not repeat again. I am glad that for the past 5 years, my time has been passing by smoothly. Nevertheless, there are bad time....there are also good time. This is what I named it the YIN and YANG(aka YY) theory.

The YY theory comes along somewhere back in China. I still remembered clearly it was 1994 when I first entered high school. That was the time where History is a must and we learnt about Civilisation (Tamadun) etc etc. I guessed none of us - working adults - would like to flash back what we have gone through back then. Though the country will be heading to 50 years of independence, there are some remembrance back then where we all are still teenagers...and this year will mark my 26th anniversary in a month time. Let's get back to YY theory...it said that ..
- if got BLACK then got WHITE
- if got MALE then got FEMALE ( though lately we have an combination of both..2 become 1)
- if got GOOD then got BAD
- if got UP then got DOWN

If we could understand the theory well, things will just work as we want them to. When there is bad time, we must prepared for it as we know that good times will come to us if we believe. As I always said if item A turn out bad, it does not apply to item B. What we got to do is to redirect our focus to item B. Since now the website can do REDIRECTING so well, why can't human being like us. Heard of the book named "The Secret"? Well, I have not read it but I am going to get hold of it one day. Take a break and have a look.

Quote of the Day :

"Focus on things that make you happy and not on something that make you worry"

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